Monday 22 September 2008

On Friday night, I went to a ceilidh, which is a traditional Scottish dance. Beginning in elementary school, Scottish students learn these dances, so that by the time they're my age, they know many of them. Ceilidh dancing is sort of a mix between step dancing, swing dancing, and square dancing-- there's usually live Celtic music and a caller who shouts out instructions throughout the dance. There were so many students at this ceilidh!

On Sunday, I joined the Hillwalking Club in a hike up Arthur's Seat and around some of the crags there. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, but a little chilly-- about 55 degrees and very windy.

Arthur's Seat is in an area called Holyrood Park, which is about a ten-minute walk away from my flat.

We could see the entire city of Edinburgh from up there.

I've also been going to the theatre a lot with my flatmates. It's cheaper than going to a movie and so much more entertaining!
Today was the first day of classes, and it was interesting to see the differences between the two I attended today. One was in a lecture hall and there were about 200 students present, and the other was in a small room high up in a building downtown and there were only 14 of us. I'm looking forward to the tutorials, which will break up the large classes into smaller groups so that we can discuss the readings in a setting that's much more easy to handle.
I've joined a few clubs here so far, including the Hillwalking Club, the Archery Club, Swahili Club, and the chorus. I figure that while I'm here, I might as well stay busy!

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